Eugene Vindman for Congress

John —

A lot of campaigns like to say they are “grassroots”, but what does that really mean?

For me, it means making sure we have a truly people-powered campaign.

We don’t rely on huge checks from billionaire donors or spending from corporate Super PACs to fund this campaign.

We rely on the individual contributions of regular folks like you who believe in what we’re fighting for.

Some give just a few bucks. Those who can afford it give more. In fact, our average donation amount so far this year is just $25.95.

And that’s what grassroots politics really looks like: Thousands of people chipping in what they can because they care about defending our democracy.

So please, contribute $25.95 or whatever you can afford today to help power this campaign. Our April fundraising deadline closes in just two days and we still need to hit our goals.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

I’m proud of what we’re building here in Virginia, and I’m proud to have you on this team.

— Eugene Vindman


Paid For By Vindman for Congress

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Eugene Vindman served in the U.S. Army and the National Security Council. Use of his job titles and photographs during service does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or the National Security Council.