
We have reached a time when a rigid adherence to ideology may well cost us lives. For 40 years, a dangerous anti-government streak has crept into the Republican Party, and our own Georgia Governor Kemp demonstrated it in the face of the coronavirus. He chose to delay and deny, because he could not think of how a coordinated government response to the pandemic could save lives and provide the quickest route to community and economic recovery.

So when Governor Kemp claimed not to understand asymptomatic transmission of coronavirus until late last week, Teresa saw through his excuse and blasted him, not for his ignorance, but for his cowardice. You see, if you don’t believe in government, you can’t run it — and Kemp was too afraid to look his constituents in the eye and tell them that his Republican swagger — his “don’t tread on me” go-it-aloneism — had put Georgians’ lives at risk.

Meanwhile, his appointed United States Senator appears to be implicated in insider stock trading, and there are questions about David Perdue’s stock trades in casinos and pharmaceuticals following a January 24th Senate briefing, as well. Teresa blasted anyone who would seek to manipulate the system for their own self-interest at a time of national crisis as “gamers” who do not deserve to serve.

Teresa served for two terms as the mayor and public safety director of Columbus, Georgia, leading the city to become one of the Top 25 Best Run Cities in the country. She is the kind of leader we need in a time of crisis — not these gamers who look out for themselves when they should be working for the people.

Watch her weekend interview on MSNBC and then pitch in if you're ready for real leadership from Georgia's United States senator.



—Team Tomlinson






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