Everyone deserves the right to right to make their voice heard in this consequential election -- and they shouldn't have to fear for their health when doing so.
Julie Oliver for Congress, District 25

We know this is a very difficult time for all in our country -- and for folks right here in TX-25. Julie is committed to ensuring everyone's health, safety, and well-being, and we urge that you only consider making a donation if you can afford to do so. To see our COVID-19 resource guide for the district, and to read Texas' HHS guidelines, click here. And while our campaign is proceeding remotely, we understand if you may want to receive fewer emails at this time. If so, please click here.



At a time when we need to maintain social distancing to protect the health of our communities, we've seen countless individuals, businesses, and local governments adapt. We need to think similarly when it comes to our democratic process, and make voting by mail accessible to everyone.

But Donald Trump and Texas extremists like Roger Williams are vocally opposing the efforts to make sure that people can vote safely. Trump recently said of absentee voting: “I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting. I think people should vote [in person] with voter ID. I think voter ID is very important, and the reason they don’t want voter ID is because they intend to cheat.”

The Washington Post: Trump, GOP challenge efforts to make voting easier amid coronavirus pandemic

We know that you are more likely to be struck by lightning -- twice -- than to commit in-person voter fraud. Voting by mail is in many ways more secure than in-person voting. And amid a global pandemic, everyone deserves the right to right to make their voice heard in this consequential election -- and they shouldn't have to fear for their health when doing so.

Will you add your name and help us get 10,000 signatures in support of universal vote-by-mail? We need to show that there is broad support for expanding voting access.


Here in Texas, we're already experiencing the effects of voter suppression during this crisis. Our Secretary of State refuses to say that everyone should be able to vote by mail, instead announcing that people must claim a "disability" to request an absentee ballot if they are concerned about voting in person due to COVID-19.

This is framed in an intentionally confusing way. People will be unsure, fewer people will vote, and our democracy will suffer. In a state that just upheld the conviction of a black woman for 5 years in prison for accidentally casting a provisional ballot, we sadly should not be surprised by these deliberate efforts to reduce democratic participation.

So let's make it clear: we need universal vote-by-mail for EVERYONE. Join us and add your name today >>

Thank you,

Team Julie





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Paid for by Julie Oliver for Congress

Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin, TX 78767
United States