Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

Hi team,

In a recent speech, Donald Trump claimed that it wouldn’t be “appropriate” for him to visit Ukraine, even though President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked him to.

We know the real reason why he won’t go to Ukraine — because his friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin, doesn’t want him to.

Donald Trump has shown us time and time again: he doesn’t care about what’s best for our country’s national security or democracy — he only cares about what’s best for Donald Trump.

I promise to stand up against reckless and self-serving politicians like Trump and do what I was elected to do: represent NJ-11. Will you pitch in $10 to help me continue to do just that?

In The Hill, I was quoted saying that Trump’s “cowardice in the face of protecting democracy or standing up to dictators is well known, so it’s unsurprising that, unlike Joe Biden, he’s too cowardly to go into a war zone. Trump’s dangerous and chaotic behavior, affection for dictators over our allies, and well-established disrespect for democracy makes Americans less safe.” I stand by what I said.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, President Joe Biden, and I have all visited Ukraine to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people and support their brave work to defend and expand democracy in the face of tyranny.

As American leaders, we must be strong promoters and defenders of democracy. Trump’s reckless actions and statements — saying he’d urge Russia to attack NATO countries “delinquent” in their defense payments, criticizing the U.S. government for funding Ukraine’s war effort — show that he is not equipped to defend democracy, at home or abroad.

In the U.S. Navy and in Congress, I’ve seen firsthand the value and power of our democracy — I’m dedicated to protecting it and ensuring that the voices of the people of NJ-11 are heard. Please, can you pitch in $10 to support my fight?

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