Attacks on reproductive health care have been in the news a lot lately, John.

But there's one aspect that I feel gets lost in a lot of conversations around reproductive care: Black maternal health. What researchers have found is too egregious to ignore.

In nearly every category, Black mothers are disproportionately impacted by insufficient access to maternal care. Studies show that Black women are three times as likely to die from pregnancy-related complications as white women.

Maternal mortality rates continue to climb exponentially for Black women and women of color, and we cannot continue to turn a blind eye towards it. This is not a problem that will fix itself – it will take investment in communities of color.

As a mother myself, and now, a first-time grandmother, I’ve seen personally the difficult health care experiences that Black women face all too often when pregnant. That’s why I've spent my career advocating for these issues as a proud member of the Black Maternal Health Caucus and the House Health Subcommittee.

In the Senate, I'll work hard to improve maternal health for women across the board and ensure that under-resourced communities have a voice that advocates for maternal health. I'm ready to get to work, but we know this race won't be easy – that's why I need your support.

Will you split any amount between my campaign and Maxwell Frost? Issues like maternal health are on the line, and I'm ready to be the champion that fights for it.

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Thank you,

- Lisa

Maxwell Frost for Congress
PO Box 772671
Orlando, FL 32877-2671
United States
Maxwell is an organizer representing Florida's 10th Congressional District in Congress. He isn't taking any corporate PAC, big sugar, or fossil fuel contributions. He needs your help to keep this seat for poor and working-class people. Will you become a Founding Donor of this movement today?

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