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Eugene Vindman for Congress

Tweet from Eugene Vindman: 'This is exactly what MAGA Republicans wanted when they overturned Roe. Dangerous decisions like these will put women’s lives in danger. In Congress I will fight to restore the protections of Roe nationwide and end these attacks on Abortion rights.'

Fight back against the far-right.

Win Virginia’s 7th district.

Take back the House for Democrats.

Beat Trump.

Guarantee abortion rights for every American in every state of this nation.

That’s what we’re fighting for. Are you in?

— Team Vindman

🚀 Wait! Give us just one more moment❗

We are just weeks away from the start of early voting for the Virginia primary. We’re running out of time to reach the voters we need to win this primary and take on the GOP in November.

Make a quick contribution today and help Eugene Vindman keep up the fight for our democracy in Virginia’s 7th district. We can’t afford to lose this seat to the MAGA far-right.

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Paid For By Vindman for Congress

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Eugene Vindman served in the U.S. Army and the National Security Council. Use of his job titles and photographs during service does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or the National Security Council.