This cycle, I'm centering my campaign around the phrase "Make Congress Work Again." Let me explain to you exactly what that means.


America simply can't handle two more years of dysfunction in Congress.


We can't handle two more years of empty speeches. 


We can't handle two more years of culture wars that get nothing accomplished except perpetuate hate and division.


We can't handle rotating cast of far-right extremists performing a circus act for social media.


We can't handle policy and inaction that hurts millions of Americans.


Make Congress Work Again is about ending the dysfunction in Congress and ensuring our government is doing the hard work of actually providing for the people. That's what I'm all about. 


I hope you’ll join me in ending the dysfunction. Will you donate $5, $10, $25, $100, or anything you can spare to help us beat Max Miller and Make Congress Work Again?


Talk soon,


Matt Diemer


Diemer for Congress

P.O. Box 40042
Bay Village, Ohio 44140


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