
At a moment when many in Ohio's 12th District are stretching every dollar to cover the basics, the push for a livable wage has never been more urgent. 

Currently, our state's minimum wage stands at $10.45 an hour for non-tipped employees and $5.25 for tipped workers. It's clear: That's not enough to live on in Ohio, or anywhere else in America.

A movement is underway to ensure our workers are paid a livable wage. Raise the Wage Ohio has proposed a constitutional amendment to increase the minimum wage to $12.75 an hour by January 2025, and then to $15 an hour by January 2026. This change is more than a statistic; it represents a lifeline for 1.4 million Ohioans, offering them a chance at a life where the basic necessities are within reach.

Last year, we stood united for abortion rights and showed the power of our collective voice, challenging those who sought to limit our freedoms. It was a testament to what we can achieve together.

Now, we face another critical battle for economic justice. My opponent, Troy Balderson, takes money and carries water for corporate-funded organizations whose sole purpose is holding down wages for workers. 

Balderson is absolutely on the wrong side of this fight, and I’m going to beat him in November while we fight to raise wages for Ohio’s workers. I am proud to stand with our workers and against the exploitation that has hollowed out our small towns and pushed so many of our people into desperation and poverty. 

Can I count on your support to bring these issues to the voters in Ohio during this critical election year when so much is on the line, including defeating Trump and reelecting Sen. Sherrod Brown? Anything you can give to this campaign helps us get the voters we need to win across the board:

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Together, we can ensure a future where all workers in our district earn what they deserve.

Thank you for your unwavering support,

-Jerrad Christian

Jerrad Christian

Candidate for Congress (OH-12)


Mail checks to:

Citizens for J Christian

P.O. Box 315

Galena, OH 43021