Republicans like Speaker Mike Johnson and Mike Lawler will support Donald Trump every step of the way.
We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this, John.

Last month, Donald Trump made it clear he will cut Social Security and Medicare if he wins this November. And make no mistake, Republicans like Speaker Mike Johnson and Mike Lawler will support him every step of the way.

Mondaire is running to protect and expand Social Security and Medicare and make billionaires pay their fair share. Add your name to stand with Mondaire and protect these critical programs now and always.

----------Begin Forwarded Message-----------
Sender: Mondaire Jones
Subject: The Republican promise: Gut Social Security and Medicare
Date: Wed, Apr 3, 2024
“Trump suggests Medicare and Social Security benefit cuts on CNBC”
-Business Insider

Did you hear, John?

Donald Trump told CNBC that he is willing to cut Social Security.

And it didn't take House Republicans long to follow suit. Last month, House Republicans called for stripping Americans of their hard-earned benefits by raising the age of retirement in their latest budget proposal.

John: With a Democratic majority and White House, we will protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. Republicans like Mike Lawler will gut them.

Cutting Social Security and Medicare—critical lifelines for millions of Americans—is unconscionable. Add your name next to mine to tell Congress to protect Social Security and make billionaires finally pay their fair share.
Time and time again, Republicans in Congress put Social Security on the chopping block to pay for their handouts to greedy corporations and billionaires.

Just one week after becoming House Speaker—which Mike Lawler’s vote made possible—Mike Johnson pledged to continue the crusade against Medicare and Social Security. This latest news proves Mike Johnson and Republicans are willing and eager to deliver on their promise.

As millions of working families are struggling to keep up with the rising costs due to corporate price gouging, leaders in Congress should be fighting to lower costs and make life easier for everyday Americans.

Last month, President Biden pledged in his State of the Union to oppose cuts and make the wealthy pay their fair share. I will relentlessly and unequivocally support our president’s efforts.

In Congress, I will not rest so long as Trump and the rest of the Republicans continue their cruel attempts to gut our social safety net in favor of more tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Enough is enough.

Add your name next to mine to demand Congress protect Social Security and Medicare and ensure billionaires and corporate interests pay their fair share now.

Yours in the fight,



Mondaire Jones is running for Congress to finish the work he started last term. He’s ready to fight to lower costs for residents of the Hudson Valley, defend our democracy, raise wages, and protect reproductive rights for all. And he’s doing it without a penny from corporate PACs. Donate today to build our grassroots movement and send Mondaire Jones back to Congress and back to work.


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