Help us help our neighbors!

We are supporting the Municipality of Anchorage’s request to the Legislature for funds to keep the East 56th Avenue Shelter open year-round. Your voice will help us amplify our message! If you agree that continuing this housing-focused shelter operation is the right thing to do, please send a quick message to your legislator. 

56th Ave. is a well-run, well-staffed shelter with an unprecedented focus on housing. Making it year-round fits into a coordinated, multi-track strategy to reduce both encampments and homelessness in Anchorage. The Municipality is seeking $4 million in state support.

A year-round 56th Avenue Shelter adds a housing-centered platform for 150 to 200 people to take steps forward. Our Next Step program, which includes case management and tailored supports, is on its way to housing 150 people this winter and spring. We hope to house another 150who are living outdoors this summer. The combination of 200 year-round shelter beds and 300 people housed means 500 fewer people unsheltered and camping outdoors.

You can send a 50-word message to some or all legislators here:

Draft 49-word message (but make it your own!):

Please support the Municipality of Anchorage’s request for $4 million to make the 56th Ave. shelter year-round. This well-run, well-staffed shelter includes an unprecedented focus on housing that fits into a coordinated, multi-track strategy to reduce both encampments and homelessness in Anchorage. Better for our neighbors and our city!

You can send longer emails by emailing individual House members here and individual Senate members here.

Here is the letter we sent to all members of the Anchorage legislative delegation as well as all House and Senate Finance Committee members. The item was voted down 6-5 in House Finance but we aren’t giving up!

Thank you!


Lisa Demer
External Relations Director, Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness |  [email protected]| 907-312-9547

3427 E Tudor Road,Suite A, Anchorage, AK 99507

"Dena'inaqełnen'aq' gheshtnu ch'q'u yeshdu.” - I live and work on theland of the Dena’ina.

Translated from Dena’ina by Joel Isaak and Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart