It's official: I am Republican Senator Deb Fischer’s opponent – and it will be a one-on-one battle in November for Nebraska’s Senate seat.


It's official: I am Republican Senator Deb Fischer’s opponent – and it will be a one-on-one battle in November for Nebraska’s Senate seat.

Deb Fischer has been Mitch McConnell’s top lieutenant in the Senate. She’s a life-long politician who puts special interests ahead of working people like me.

And we can defeat her: The latest poll shows just 24% of Nebraskan voters approve of Republican Senator Deb Fischer – and I am LEADING by 2 points!

The voters I meet on the campaign trail are sick of the games, the corruption, and the hypocrisy. I am ready to be the 51st vote in the Senate who actually represents them – but if we’re going to win this Senate seat, I am counting on grassroots donors like you to give right now.

We’ve set a goal of getting another 1,000 donations to defeat Republican Deb Fischer, but right now, we’re still 245 short:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign – no amount you can afford to give is too small – to help me defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The polls show we can win, but the only way we’ll be able to compete with Deb Fischer’s corporate PAC and Super PAC friends is if people like you chip in now.

I am eternally grateful to have you on this journey.

Thank you,

Dan Osborn