
We are only 7 donations away from our goal, and we need your help to get there!

We all voted for J.D. because we know that we can count on him to fight for us — to stand tall for what's right and help our community thrive. But Governor Reynolds and her extremist Republican allies have different plans.

They want to suck our communities dry, take books out of our schools, end reproductive freedom, and fight endless culture wars.

But enough is enough.

If you are committed to fighting for Iowans and stopping these far right extremists in their tracks, then please chip in $11 today to help us reach our goal and build a grassroots movement right here in Iowa.

Donate Now

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15
$25 $50

This is the last time you will hear from us before the end of March, so please help us reach our goal today.

Stand Tall for All,

Team Scholten

Forwarded Message


John —

I have an opponent.

Who, in his own words, fights for "Strong, conservative values."

In Iowa, that's code for defunding public education, giving tax breaks to the super wealthy and corporations while making working class people pay for them and taking away people's freedom (especially women and the LGBTQ community).

In 2022, Kim Reynolds — our well known extremist governor — won our House district by 10 points. An enormous margin! So, don't be fooled, my new opponent could easily win this seat and reverse the progress that we have fought tooth and nail for over the past two years.

We need your help to keep fighting for hard-working Iowans, so will you chip in $11 today and help us build a grassroots movement that can stand against far-right extremism?

The election is starting to pick up, and we need your help to get our campaign out and organized in our community.

You might be asking yourself, "If Kim Reynolds won our district by 10 points, then how did J.D. win in 2022 as well?"

Grassroots organizing. I got together with my friends, family, and community members, purchased yard signs and door hangers, knocked on doors, called strangers, and occasionally bought El Fredo's pizzas to feed hungry volunteers. We worked hard, connected with our neighbors, and built a winning team one vote at a time. And we're doing it again this year.

But we need grassroots supporters to do it. So we are setting an end-of-month goal of 27 grassroots donations before midnight on March 31, 2024. Can I count on you to chip in $11 and help us reach our goal and build the community based movement that we need?

Stand Tall for All,


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50