Texas’ indicted Attorney General is using a global pandemic to enact a radical abortion ban.
Julie Oliver for Congress, District 25


Yesterday, Texas’ Attorney General Ken Paxton got the conservative 5th Circuit Court to reinstate his backward, unconstitutional abortion ban.

This isn’t about healthcare, since most abortions don’t occur in facilities supporting COVID-19 patients. This is about controlling women.

Ken Paxton is under indictment for defrauding his friends and Republican lawmakers to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has already shown that he is unfit to serve this state.

And instead of focusing on protecting the people of the Lone Star State from the Coronavirus outbreak, he’s politicizing the global pandemic to enact a radical anti-choice agenda that will leave the women of Texas with nowhere to turn.

Women’s freedom and autonomy will always be essential, but as long as the GOP controls Texas, we must continue to fight back against ideologues whose extremism poses a very real danger to women’s safety, health, and autonomy.

Texas women are already hurting and cannot stand further attacks like these. Chip in $15 or more right now to elect a pro-choice champion to Congress and ensure that women have a seat at the table.

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Team Julie





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Paid for by Julie Oliver for Congress

Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin, TX 78767
United States