At midnight on Sunday, we’re facing our first FEC deadline of the year. You’ve probably heard about these FEC deadlines before – and for good reason.


I’ll get right to it: I’m emailing to ask you to help me defeat Republican Deb Fischer and flip this Senate seat by giving $5 right now to my campaign here in Nebraska.

At midnight on Sunday, we’re facing our first FEC deadline of the year. You’ve probably heard about these FEC deadlines before – and for good reason.

After March 31, my campaign is required by federal law to publicly file a fundraising report with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Everyone will then scour our numbers. Reporters will write about how much we’ve raised. Deb Fischer will see the strength of our grassroots-funded campaign. And Mitch McConnell and his Super PACs will be watching, ready to pounce at any sign of weakness.

This deadline isn’t just about meeting the goals we need to hit to fully fund our campaign. It’ll show everyone whether or not we are prepared to flip this Senate seat – and finally elect a blue collar, working-class senator who will fight for people like me and my family.

A new poll shows I am 2 points AHEAD of Republican Senator Deb Fischer. But we still need to raise another $20,552 to hit our huge $250,000 goal, and I’m counting on grassroots donors like you to give now if we’re going to take on the Super PACs and flip this seat:

Please, will you rush a donation of $5 or more right now – whatever you can spare before our first FEC deadline at midnight on Sunday – to help me defeat Republican Deb Fischer and flip this critical Senate seat?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Whether or not we hit this goal will set the tone for the rest of the campaign.

I’m ready to be the deciding 51st vote in the Senate to stop a complete national abortion ban, get money out of politics, and expand workers’ rights. But I need your help to get there.

I am so grateful for your support,

Dan Osborn