Friend, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks to an unprecedented grassroots effort to kick off this historic election year, we are in the strongest position since beginning this campaign to make history in Georgia, replace David Perdue, and take back the Senate majority from Mitch McConnell.

There’s so much to cover from the past three months. You’ve donated more than $2 million to-date, with March alone accounting for nearly $300,000 raised in our fight to defeat David Perdue, our single greatest month of fundraising of this election.

Our campaign also stands out by receiving the endorsements of Democracy for America and the National Organization for Women’s Political Action Committee, along with civil rights leaders like Andrew Young, Hank Aaron, Joe Beasley, and many others across Georgia whose advocacy has spanned from the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s to today.

As our state and country grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, I am more resolved than ever to use my experience as a former two-term mayor, public safety director, and head of Homeland Security in Columbus to effect meaningful reforms in the United States Senate to keep our country safe — starting with ending the corruption of our current Republican representation.

That starts with strengthening the Affordable Care Act to reform a sabotaged healthcare system. The federal government must take responsibility for expanding Medicaid to over 500,000 Georgians, reopening the more than half dozen rural hospitals that have closed in our state, and driving down the cost of premiums, deductibles, and co-payments by expanding Medicare to people 55 and up and creating a public option while confronting the greed and price gouging of the pharmaceutical industry.

I’m also fighting to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, so that frontline workers risking their lives and livelihoods to keep our communities running during this pandemic — and thereafter — are able to make ends meet with one good-paying job, not two or three, and ensuring that workers everywhere have the right to collectively bargain and form a union.

Friends, we are all in this together. This fight isn’t over — it’s only just begun. Thank you for your support. Despite these uncertain times, we’re going to continue pressing on to make the fundamental changes our country so desperately needs. In fact, it’s more important now than ever.

Yours truly,

P.S. Now that you’ve seen our big news, I’d love to chat with you directly. I’m holding a virtual public town hall tonight at 7:00 p.m. to answer your questions and tell you more about how we’re going to send Perdue packing in November. Click here to RSVP >>






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