Senator Jordan Rasmusson's Header Image

March 22nd, 2024


Sports Betting in Minnesota

Working with the faith community in Minnesota, I made changes to the proposed sports betting bill to address issues with problem gambling. I invite you to read more about what happened in the Senate Commerce Committee here.


Future State Deficit

At the end of February, MMB released the latest budget forecast, showing a $3.7 billion surplus in 2025. However, this is not the full picture. If we look to the start of 2026, the state faces a $1.5 billion structural deficit. This means that we need to approach spending this session with great caution.

Last year, Democrats raised your taxes by nearly $10 billion and grew government budgets by 38%. We cannot continue down this path of reckless spending, and that is why we need to focus on repairing the damage done to the state budget and the pocketbooks of hard-working Minnesotans.


Illegal Immigration

I recently introduced legislation, SF 4328, to provide transparency and address key issues related to illegal immigration in Minnesota. This bill is in response to attempts to make Minnesota a sanctuary state and policies that provide state social services to illegal immigrants.

Introduced this session by Democrat legislators, the North STAR Act, SF 2724, would make Minnesota a sanctuary state. If this legislation becomes law, it would prohibit state and local officials from cooperating with federal immigration authorities who are seeking to deport those in Minnesota illegally.  In contrast, my legislation would prohibit local governments from passing blanket ‘sanctuary city’ ordinances.

Sanctuary policies simply make Minnesota a more inviting place for those who are in the United States illegally and do nothing to stop the overwhelming flow of migrants at the border. We shouldn’t make Minnesota a more enticing place to violate federal immigration law, either as cities or a state.

Other key provisions in this legislation include:

  • Making the usage of a fake identification card to gain employment in Minnesota a felony;
  • Temporarily suspending business licenses and fine employers who knowingly hire individuals without legal status to work in the state; and
  • Enhancing penalties for human smuggling/trafficking to ensure those who are committing these acts are held accountable.

To read further, click here. To read the story on this bill, click here.


Connecting with Constituents

As always, it is a pleasure to meet with constituents here in St. Paul.  Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with the Community of Minnesota Resorts, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, and with Bishop Patrick Neary to discuss policy being debated in the legislature.

Question of the Week
Should Minnesota Legalize Sports Betting?
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With Gratitude,

Senator Rasmusson's Signature

Senator Jordan Rasmusson

District 9