Over the past several weeks, we’ve learned that good government matters and bad government comes at a cost. Unfortunately, sometimes that cost is the difference between life or death.


Over the past several weeks, we’ve learned that good government matters and bad government comes at a cost. Unfortunately, sometimes that cost is the difference between life or death.

In times of crisis, we have to rely on our leaders in Washington to put the health, safety, and well-being of the American people over partisan politics. And if our leaders aren’t doing that, then it’s time for a change.

Tonight at midnight marks our first quarterly FEC fundraising deadline of the year. And today I’d like to ask you to chip in a small amount – just $1.80, a nod to the symbolic number 18, which signifies life in the Jewish tradition.

I’m asking for a small amount – an amount that anyone can afford – because we all need to be a part of the solution to bring good government back to Washington.

Thank you for your support. Hope you are staying healthy and well.



Matt Lieberman
Matt Lieberman is running for the U.S. Senate to change a broken Washington and get things done for the people of Georgia. Chip in now to help us win in Georgia, flip the Senate, and build a better future for our families.

Matt Lieberman for Senate
800 Battery Ave SE, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
United States