Friend --

The mysteries of the universe which have been watched by all peoples during all times of mankind's presence on earth, continue to inspire us with the magnificence of the unknown, and the unity of mankind when we pursue science rather than war.

On April 8th of this year, 2024, people will travel from all ends of the earth to view the total eclipse that will be very apparent -- lucky for us -- in areas of New York State -- including Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.

What will be happening in the heavens?

In the Sare Symposium on Friday, March 24 the Sare Campaign's Astronomy Expert, Roger Ham, will present what can be seen on April 8th. The map linked here shows the trajectory of the total eclipse.

NASA map of solar eclipse trajectory

History is full of fascinating accounts of those viewing a solar eclipse -- when the sun disappears from view. Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Marie Mitchell, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson and other voices have recorded their experiences when viewing such shocking events in the universe, including solar eclipses and the morning in 1833 when "the stars fell from the sky."

Join us this Friday at 8 pm to consider what the universe is trying to tell us in 2024.

New York Symposium, Friday, March 22, 8:00 p.m.

The April 8th Solar Eclipse




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