Lauren Underwood For Congress

Hi John,

It’s not my favorite thing to email you over the weekend and to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t be reaching out today if it wasn’t important.

Another thing that’s not my favorite is asking for campaign donations. But your support powers our work to help, protect, and improve our communities for ourselves, our neighbors, and our loved ones. So I’m sharing a shortlist of our achievements below.

If you’re in a hurry and want to go ahead and pitch in to help reach our critical End-of-Quarter fundraising goal — we’re aiming for 2,000 online contributions — you can do that now by clicking here.

If you have some time, please read on about our team’s impact:

On health care: Our collective activism has dramatically helped strengthen and expand access to health care for all — including passage of our Health Care Affordability Act, which delivered historic advances in affordability, coverage, and equity. The benefits of this bill will expire in 2025. So, I reintroduced the Health Care Affordability Act to permanently lower the cost of health care premiums secured by our original bill.

On reproductive care - which is also health care: I’ve always voted for legislation that provides women with access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care. Since the devastating Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe, folks like you have remained steadfast partners in our work for reproductive freedom, advocating for the health and safety of women everywhere. I’m so proud to stand side-by-side with you in this fight.

On Black maternal health: We came together to support my Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, which I brought to Congress to save moms’ lives and end our country’s growing crisis of preventable pregnancy-related deaths among Black women. And we’ll continue our push to ensure we reverse the trend of rising maternal mortality and close racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes.

On voting rights: The right to vote is one of the fundamental building blocks of our democracy. At every turn, we’ve worked hard together to defend and expand voting rights despite fierce opposition from extreme anti-democratic lawmakers looking to destroy the foundation of our democracy. And we won’t be stopped.

On our planet: The climate crisis is an emergency that requires urgent and bold action. With your support, my Democratic colleagues and I will do everything we can to continue tackling climate change and investing in protecting and rebuilding our communities.

On the safety of our communities: We’ve never stopped pushing for Congress to enact life-saving changes to protect our loved ones from our country’s crushing gun-violence epidemic. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was a good start, but we must do more to address this crisis because everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities.

John, thank you for taking the time to read my email. It means a lot to have your support. This team’s dedication inspires me every day to continue the critical progress that our communities depend on.

If you want to support our work ahead of our big FEC deadline on March 31, please add a contribution. If we keep working together, we’ll reach our 2,000 contribution goal >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you do to support this campaign.

