Dear Patriot,

With over twenty years of service defending our country, I know exactly how to stop this invasion of illegals that is becoming a blight on our nation right now.

And people are starting to see that I am that voice that will bring solutions.

I am thrilled to tell you that I was recently endorsed by the Pacific County GOP, with all seven counties unified in support of my candidacy!

And we've never needed this more than right now. Under President Joe Biden's lax border policies, with my opponent Marie Perez as a willing accomplice, our borders have become nothing more than a welcome mat for illegal immigrants, exacerbating the fentanyl crisis and compromising our national security.

Marie has made it painfully clear that she's only here to play political games for her own end. She used to say things like "no one stays awake at night over the southern border" while opposing a Republican bill aimed at securing the border last year.

Now, all of a sudden, during a pivotal election year, she is changing her spots! At least, pretending to. She is now suddenly endorsing the H.R. 7372 bill - a toothless gesture laden with loopholes, especially for those claiming asylum - a process so widely exploited under Biden's administration that it essentially grants automatic entry into the United States.

You see - these illegals are coached (via social media!) on precisely what to say when they enter our borders.

This is a strategy codified in the text of Perez's bill!

It goes like this:

"The Secretary of Homeland Security may not expel an alien to a country if the alien's life or freedom would be threatened in such country because of the alien's race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion; or there are substantial grounds for believing that the alien would be in danger of being subjected to torture if expelled to such country."

I'm sure I don't need to spell out what any person who wanted to enter the U.S. illegally would do if they read that.

Once they make this claim, our government cannot expel them, and they are given access to asylum lawyers, allowing them up to eight years in the U.S. to pursue their asylum claim, turning asylum into a de facto visa.

That's why I want the people of Washington to beware. We've got to understand that where Marie Perez is concerned, we MUST read the fine print AND read between the lines!

Once you see her motives for what they really are, you get that she's the WORST thing that could happen to America.

I am making it my mission to defeat Marie and start putting bills in place that actually provide REAL solutions to our open borders!

Will you join me in my mission? With my years of experience, I already have a clear vision. But I need the funds and the support to carry these plans out. If you could contribute $10, $20, or $30 today, that would be a great start for us. And if you can afford more, please send $100, $200, $300, or even more! We would be grateful for any amount you can spare at

This isn't for me. It is for Washington, it is for America, and it is for our children and grandchildren. Please do not delay! Every day that goes by is a day I can gain traction on Marie if I have the means.

I humbly thank you for your willingness to sacrifice for our nation.

God bless,

Joe Kent           

Republican Candidate for Congress (WA-03)           

Former Special Forces Operator           

America First Conservative   

                               Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund

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