Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Hey there, friend — I’ll cut straight to the chase: we’re only $4,297 dollars away from hitting this week’s goal. If you’re able to pitch in before the day is over I’d really appreciate your support.

Arizona’s Senate race is one of the most watched races this cycle. We have a real opportunity to expand Democrats’ majority in the Senate. The energy is on our side, but we’ll need strong, grassroots support to win this November.

The GOP establishment is rallying behind Kari Lake, who’s been in Washington D.C. rallying right-wing extremists and out-of-state donors for Donald Trump and her campaign at the CPAC conference and high-dollar private fundraisers.

The GOP will use every dollar they have to win in Arizona and take back the Senate majority. That’s why we have to match them dollar for dollar with grassroots support. So please, if you have a couple bucks to spare this week, I’d appreciate it.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We know we can win this — with your help, we’ll be able to reach voters from Bisbee to Bullhead City and everywhere in between.

Thank you for your continued and generous support, folks.

— Morgan Dick

Executive Director, Arizona Democratic Party