National Democrats have put a target on my back in this race, just ask my Democrat opponent:

Fellow Conservative,

If you don’t believe me when I say National Democrats have put a target on my back in this race, just ask my Democrat opponent:


National Democrats just announced my Democrat opponent is among a very select group of candidates designated "Red to Blue," opening up MILLIONS in funding from across the country.

If we’re going to defend this seat AND our Republican Majority, I need your help to keep pace with the millions flowing into this race.

Donate >>

Fellow Conservative, this announcement is a big deal. It means Democrats have the resources they need to flip this seat if we can’t keep pace.

Your support is our last line of defense. I need your immediate help to make sure voters hear the truth and our winning message isn’t drowned out by the Left’s multi-million-dollar deception campaign.

Donate $10 >>
Donate $20.24 >>
Donate $50 >>

Thank you and God bless,

Marc Molinaro

Stand with Marc DONATE NOW

Paid for by Marc for US

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