Every contribution we receive makes for one less call that Eugene has to make.

Eugene Vindman for Congress

Hi John, this is Eugene Vindman’s campaign manager Jeremy here.

Have you ever heard of call time?

Candidates for office have to spend hours every week on the phone making calls. Sometimes it’s to talk to journalists, connect with organizers, or plan campaign events. But a lot of the time it’s to ask people for their support, usually in the form of a donation.

That’s because in order to build a strong campaign that can beat the GOP in this highly competitive district, we need to raise a lot of money. That’s just the truth.

Even though Eugene would much rather spend his time out on the campaign trail meeting with voters, he has to dedicate a lot of his time to being on the phone trying to raise money. It’s not great.

So, one of the best ways you can help this campaign today is by making a donation to this email. Every contribution we receive online makes for one less phone call that Eugene has to make.

And less call time means more time out in the district, organizing our grassroots operation and talking to the crucial voters who will decide this election.

So please, help us get Eugene off the phone and onto the campaign trail. Every donation, big or small, adds up when everyone does their part.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you for anything you can pitch in today to help us push this campaign forward.

— Jeremy
Campaign Manager
Vindman for Congress


Paid For By Vindman for Congress

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Eugene Vindman served in the U.S. Army and the National Security Council. Use of his job titles and photographs during service does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or the National Security Council.