Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Time to celebrate you...

Hello Supporter

You, our supporters and donors, make all the difference to Campaign for Better Transport, thank you. You make everything we do possible, you make our voice in parliament louder, and you help us to be heard in the media. So, it’s time to celebrate you. 

If you live near Manchester, please join us for a free event, with drinks and nibbles provided.  

When: 19th March at 5:30pm
Where: Arup Manchester, 6th Floor, 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BN

Register to attend
On the evening Campaign for Better Transport will delve into our current work and our plans for the future. Arup will share their insight into the current transport landscape.  

There will be time for questions and socialising, and the evening will end at 8pm. 

Spaces are limited, so please do register to attend as soon as possible. 
Register to attend
I hope you'll be able to attend,

Sarah Bradley
Supporter Engagement Manager, Campaign for Better Transport
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