
I'm pleased to send this message with a quick recap of my first three weeks back in office. It has been a flurry of bills, with over 500 heard and 275 voted on. One of the first pieces of legislation I supported was an election bill that provided a clean fix to the election recount timing issue. This policy moved up the statewide primary date to July 30th and the general election to November 5th. This shorter window for candidates to collect signatures underscores the importance of utilizing Equal to sign everyone’s petition in one place. Please sign via my link below if you haven’t already - thanks!

What I've observed in the breadth of bills this year unfortunately reflects more of the same culture war and partisan agendas from the Majority. The prominent themes standing out to me are attacks on the border/immigration, and our water supplies.

Regarding the border policy, my caucus and I have been vocal about the fact that concerns about immigration should be directed to Congressional Republicans, who are actively obstructing bipartisan immigration reform. The people of Arizona strongly rejected SB1070 a decade ago and will do the same again.

<Keep an eye out for HCR2060 - which is bypassing an inevitable

Governor veto and attempting to go straight to the ballot>

I will be serving on the Health and Human Services and Regulatory Affairs committees. This upcoming week, we have three days off and then return to our regular schedule on March 11th.

As always, if you encounter bills in my committees or on issues you care about, please reach out to me!

All my best,


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Sign Sarah’s Petition

Paid for by Sarah Liguori for State. Approved by Sarah Liguori.