Jason Crow For Congress

Hello: Jason wants to hear from you before Super Tuesday and our first FEC deadline of the year! Will you take our newly released March Priorities Survey today? Here’s your personal link:


Happy March, team!

It’s only been two months since 2024 began, but Jason and our team have been hard at work.

Jason announced his re-election campaign for CO-06
We’re recruiting volunteers across the district to get Jason on the ballot
We fought back against a new, desperate attack by Lauren Boebert
All the while, Jason has held town halls to hear from Colorado students, veterans, small business owners, and more about what they need to succeed

Now, we’re getting ready to kick off March — our busiest month yet — with Super Tuesday, the State of the Union, and our very first FEC deadline of the election year.

Grassroots supporters are the reason Jason can serve the people of Colorado, and we don’t take that for granted. So as we prepare for this month and one of the most consequential elections yet, we want to hear your thoughts:

We just released our March Priorities Survey, and we need at least 80 supporters in every city to leave their responses. Will you be 1 of the Philadelphia supporters right now?


Thanks so much for adding your input. We can’t wait to share it with Jason!

— Team Crow

…P.S. Can you keep a secret? Jason’s 45th birthday is later this month on the 15th. We’re going to send this next week, but if you want a head start, can you be one of the first ones to sign his birthday card here?


Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress — and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?