The United States government is us, and it is the only entity capable of marshaling the resources at scale to stop this nationwide pandemic.



The United States government is us, and it is the only entity capable of marshaling the resources at scale to stop this nationwide pandemic. As a two-term mayor, public safety director, and head of Homeland Security who has the experience in crisis simulation working alongside the Army at Ft. Benning, I am prepared to put us on the right course to stop this pandemic and prevent the spread of disease in the future.

But I am counting on your support before this FEC deadline to reach our $25,000 end-of-quarter goal. If your situation is stable and you can afford it, I am humbly asking you to please make a donation today to help me win this election and provide the Senate leadership we need to emerge from this crisis.



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Thank you. Please be safe, and take care of one another. Your support is more important now than ever.

Yours truly,






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Contributions or gifts to Teresa Tomlinson for Senate are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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