This is shaping up to be the closest race we've ever had, friend, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
Marcy Kaptur for Congress


This district, OH-9, which Marcy has represented and delivered for, will determine who controls the House in 2024. 

Marcy is one of FIVE Democrats who won a district in 2022 that voted for Donald Trump in 2020, meaning this seat is a top target for the GOP as they look to protect and expand their chaotic House majority. Take a look at what the press is saying:

If we hold this seat, we can take back the House and get back to work on delivering for America's heartland and investing in our Great Lakes region. We can lower costs for working families, protect our environment, and our freedoms, and simply have a government that works for the people, not Donald Trump. 

If we lose this seat, more of what we've experienced over the past two years would be the least of America's problems. 

Friend, we MUST protect this seat so we can take back the House. Our end-of-the-month fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight, and we're still $1,382 short of where we need to be. Can we count on you to help us close the gap?

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This is shaping up to be the closest race we've ever had, friend, and the stakes couldn't be higher. It's vitally important that we continue to meet our monthly fundraising targets so that we can continue to power Marcy's work for the Heartland and for working people nationwide.

Thank you, friend.

— Team Kaptur

Marcy Kaptur is the longest-serving woman in Congress. But right now Republicans are trying everything to steal this seat from her. Winning seats like this will be key for Democrats to hold onto our slim majority in Congress.

Can you donate now to help Democrat Marcy Kaptur win in one of the most competitive races in the whole country?

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Kaptur for Congress
PO Box 899
Toledo, OH 43697
United States