I’m calling out the NRA and their cronies on Capitol Hill because I’m sick and tired of seeing our kids in danger.

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Hi everyone,

This morning, I launched the first TV ad of New Jersey’s U.S. Senate campaign — filmed outside the NRA headquarters, where cowards work. I’m calling out the NRA and their cronies on Capitol Hill because I’m sick and tired of lives lost and children in danger.

Please click here to watch my ad calling out the gun lobby. Then, chip in to keep our ads on air and send me to fight for you in Washington.

Thumbnail to Play Tammy Murphy's Latest Ad

The gun lobby knows their products are killing our kids, but they don’t care. And weak, pathetic politicians refuse to stand up to them.

In the Senate, I’ll fight for universal background checks, to end immunity for gun makers, and to ban military-style assault rifles once and for all. I will stand up to the NRA because there is NOTHING more important to me than the safety of our children.

I can’t be bought and won’t be bullied, but I need folks like you to help send me to the Senate. Will you please chip in any amount to keep up the fight against NRA cowards and their puppets in the Senate?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,