Hi there, it's Marcy.

It seems like more outrageous news comes out about our Republican opponents every day. It's clear that all they have to offer is more extremism, more chaos, and more division.

Here's the everyday work I'm focused on: delivering affordable healthcare, a cleaner Great Lakes ecosystem, transformational infrastructure investments, and an economy that actually works for working people.

If you can chip in even $5 to support that mission, it would mean so much to me and everyone on our team. Our monthly fundraising deadline is just a few days away, and every dollar makes a difference.

Here's the link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kaptur24_em

Thank you so much, friend. We couldn't do it without you.

— Marcy


Paid for by Kaptur for Congress

Kaptur for Congress
PO Box 899
Toledo, OH 43697
United States
