Our community is made up of incredible people at impactful organizations. Consider the efforts of the United Way.
Massachusetts 211 is open to callers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residents can call 211 to learn more about COVID-19 prevention, symptoms, treatment, information about testing, and guidance for people planning or returning from travel. Right now, United Way of Central Mass is providing additional funding to Mass 211 — make a contribution to support their efforts.

The Worcester Together Fund was created by the United Way of Central Mass with help from the City of Worcester, and Greater Worcester Community Foundation. The Fund supports community members impacted by COVID-19. with a focus on food, shelter, and other emergency services. Donate today to provide a safety net for those who are in the greatest need during this emerging health emergency.

In the wake of severe economic downturn, support services such as food pantries, Thrive financial coaching, and volunteer organizing are critical. Share your strength: contribute to The United Way's COVID-19 relief efforts.

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