Investing in Our Young People for a Pro Life Future

Dear Friend,

No movement can survive and thrive without the energy and positivity of young people. That's why, in the Pro Life Campaign we put a lot of focus on engaging and empowering young people to participate and become committed to being part of Ireland's pro-life movement. Projects like Students For Life, the Future Leaders Programme, the PLC Intern Programme and the annual LifeLines Tour are opportunities for us to encounter and encourage young people in second and third level institutions around Ireland.

The involvement of young voices is paramount in shaping the course of our discussion on life issues and with your help we can continue to work to ensure that many young people can become the driving force of the pro-life movement of the future and bring about a culture that cherishes and protects everyone.

Donate today and help grow youth engagement!

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Highlights from the Event

A notable highlight was a Zoom panel featuring pro-life student leaders from organisations like Students for Life America, Pro-Life Europe, and the Alliance of Pro-Life Students. The panel fostered global unity in the pro-life movement through cross-cultural exchange.

Another high including a compelling presentation by Stephen Browne of Hope Ireland on the Assisted Dying Bill. Discussions revolved around ethical considerations in end-of-life care, exploring implications of legalisation and ways to safeguard vulnerable populations.

Help educate and empower pro-life youth!

Your support is vital for the younger champions of life.

Investing in initiatives like Students For Life equips students to advocate effectively for the vulnerable.

Your donation ensures every cent is wisely spent to cultivate a generation committed to a culture of life.

Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the pro-life cause.

Donate to our youth initiatives today!

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