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friend – can you believe we’re seven weeks in to 2024?

And I can already tell it’s going to be a busy year. We know an election is coming – and with it a key opportunity to take our message to politicians. If we’re ready to make the most of it, we have a good chance of influencing future government policy. And winning debt cancellation and justice for millions.

Unjust debt is not inevitable, nor are the systems which are skewed towards profit rather than people. Tackling them may be a challenge – but it’s a challenge we are excited to take on together. Thank you for standing with us.

Today I’m writing to ask if you could you go one step further in this important year, friend, and set up a regular gift to boost our impact and give our campaigns more power? Regular support is fundamental to our ability to plan – and win – effective campaigns over the long term. And to making a difference to the lives of people impacted by unjust debt.
Yes, here's my regular support

Right now, we’re the closest we have ever been to winning a new UK law that could force greedy lenders to cancel unsustainable debts for some of the poorest countries in the world.

For people living in the 54 countries in debt crisis, this would be massive! Freeing up vital funds to invest in education, healthcare and tackling the climate crisis – instead of building the profits of rich banks and hedge funds.

And if our voice and our campaigns stay strong, it’s within our grasp.

I know that sometimes we can feel powerless in the face of so much injustice in the world. But our successes over the 27 years we’ve been campaigning show the strength we have when act together. It’s how we achieved $130bn of debt cancellation for lower income countries. And how we won a new UK law stopping vulture funds making massive profits from historic debts.

People power works! And with a regular gift of just £3 a month you can make a real impact to our campaigns together and to the lives of people affected by unjust debt.

Yes, I believe we're stronger together

It’s less than a year since we launched our campaign for a new UK law to force greedy lenders to drop the debt. But by working together, we’ve already made huge progress towards making this law reality. We’re a small organisation – but we punch well above our weight because of people like you on our side.

As an independent charity, Debt Justice relies on donations from our thousands of supporters like you. I know that for many, times are tough right now, but if you are able to chip in with a regular gift, you’ll help us ramp up our campaigning in this crucial year and take us a step closer to a fairer future. Just £3 a month would make a real impact in our fight together for economic justice – and it takes just 2 minutes to set up.

Yes, here's my regular support

We believe that a world where the needs of people and our planet are prioritised above unjust debt repayments truly is possible. But it will take all of us working together in whatever way we can.

friend, I’m really excited about our plans for 2024 and I’m so pleased we have you on our side. We’ll be in touch again soon about the next steps for our campaigns to tackle unjust debt – and more ways you can get involved.

Thank you for standing with us,

Debt Justice director

PS Debt Justice never takes money from anyone who might try to water down our demands. Our campaigns carry weight because they’re powered by our supporters. Setting up a regular gift is really easy, and will only take a couple of minutes.

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