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This past month has been a busy one. I continue to take on the issues that matter most to you - working to secure the border, fighting to lower costs and more.

I also am humbled by the support I've received so far for the upcoming election. Including endorsements from:
- Broome County GOP Chair, Benji Federman
- Tioga County GOP Chair, Donald Castellucci
- Conservative Party of Ulster County
- Cortland County Republican Committee

I look forward to working with them as we fight to deliver results for Upstate NY.

Wondering how you can help? Chip in $5, $10, or $15 to my campaign today. Every dollar matters.
Nearly 80% of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities are unemployed. This is simply unacceptable.

It was my honor to invite Iva Walsh to speak with the House Small Business Subcommittee on Entrepreneurship and Workforce Development. She is leading by example with the model she has created at Maeve's Place.

During her testimony, she said our society benefits when people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have access to employment. I could not agree more. When we #ThinkDIFFERENTLY, we open up doors for success for all.

Phoenicia coffee shop owner testifies before congressional panel to advocate for hiring people with intellectual disabilities
Early investments in our children's education has huge impacts on their opportunities for success.

I was proud to announce that Delaware Opportunities Inc. will receive over $1 million to provide these vital services to children from low-income families.

Additionally, when Head Start in Sullivan County abruptly closed without warning, my team and I began working immediately to help the County find a backup facility and see how this happened to a fully funded program so that it doesn't happen again.

Molinaro announces Head Start funding for Delaware
Head Start abruptly closes its doors
Too many of our farmers are dealing with inefficient and outdated pumping systems.

The LEAPS Act gives them the support they need to make changes and invests in great companies like National Pipe & Plastics in Endicott to help lead the way in innovative solutions.

Molinaro’s legislation to cut down farmers’ energy costs
Rep. Molinaro tours National Pipe & Plastics, pushes for passage of LEAPS Act
Reliable and affordable internet is essential for American families. It is critical for our economy, education, healthcare and so much more.

I introduced bipartisan legislation to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program, ensuring that millions of Americans don't lose their access.

- Lawmakers looking to extend federal internet aid
County officials, members of Congress team up to support extension of Affordable Connectivity Program
The attack ads are already written. The DC elites are going to try and smear me, make outlandish claims, and spend millions to try and buy this seat for one of their own.

But what they say isn't what's important. It's what you and the people - on both sides of the aisle - of Upstate NY say. I'm working for you, and their lies and attacks won't stop me from my ongoing efforts to listen, learn and lead. To give you a functioning government that helps when it can and gets out of the way when it needs to.

- Control of the House Could Come Down to This New York Republican
Support Marc's Reelection Campaign
Every dollar can make a difference.
Paid for by Marc for US Inc.
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