Union Reform 101, Workplace Roundtable, Canvassing, and more!

🗓 What's Going On this Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

Looking for more events? See our monthly calendar!  📆


☎️ Canvassing - Sanchez for Georgia ☎️

📝 Saturday Canvass 2/24 📝

Join us to knock doors and build support for our campaign at 10 AM at Taylor-Brawner Park located at 3180 Atlanta RD NE, Smyrna, GA! We will provide snacks and water.


💡 Black Socialist Spotlight 💡

Kwame Ture, born Stokely Carmichael in Trinidad in 1941, was a prominent figure in the civil rights and Pan-African movements and is well-known for calling for and popularizing the term black power. While attending Howard University, he led the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). During his time with SNCC, Ture was one of the original freedom riders. He was later named the Honorary Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party. Ture re-established himself in Guinea after being targeted by the FBI’s COINTELPRO program. In Guinea, he changed his name from Stokely Carmichael to Kwame Ture in honor of two early leaders of the Pan-African movement, Sekou Touré and Kwame Nkrumah. Until his death in 1998, he led the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party and campaigned for revolutionary socialist Pan-Africanism and against U.S. imperialism.


✊ Workplace Roundtable ✊

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW on Monday, February 19 from 7:00-9:00 PM.

This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself, and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


🌹Volunteer with a Committee🌹

Get plugged into DSA! Interested in labor organizing? Running socialists for office? Graphic design? Planning chapter socials? Plugging into our chapter committees is one of the best ways you can get more involved in our chapter's day to day operations, and we need your help!


Sign up here to get involved in one our many chapter committees, and click here for more information on each committee's work.

If you are simply looking to volunteer, check out the calendar of events or email [email protected] for help getting connected!

  🌹General Meeting 2/24 🌹

Save the date, comrades! This month's General Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 24. New member orientation starts at 2 PM. Potluck starts at 2 PM and the meeting runs from 3-5 PM. Check out the agenda at atldsa.org/agenda.


✊ Save the Date: Union Reform 101 ✊

All over the country, workers are organizing on the shop floor to build strong, militant, and democratic unions. From Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) to Unite all Workers for Democracy (UAWD), the impact of union reform movements is loud and clear. Labor union reform caucuses have helped elect union leadership that's willing to put up a fight - helping Teamsters secure a historic union contract, and leading UAW to launch an unprecedented strike led by the rank-and-file.


Join Atlanta DSA's labor committee on Sunday, February 25 for an info session and workshop on union reform caucuses. We'll cover topics like: What is the goal of union reform? What are some examples of successful union reform movements? How can you get involved in your local union reform efforts?


This workshop is open to anyone, although union members are strongly encouraged to attend.

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America atldsa.org

Fighting for the many, not the few