Dear Friend,

Earlier this week, the majority of Mississippi Republicans voted for conservative solutions in the primary election for Governor.

That’s why we’re now in a runoff—because people know that ignoring problems won’t fix anything.

My campaign is all about addressing the biggest challenges facing our state with real, conservative solutions—not politics as usual. Can you help us by donating today so we can run a strong campaign between now and the August 27th runoff election?

Your support is critical in helping us win because if we get our message out, I truly believe the majority of Republicans will again vote for a campaign offering real, conservative solutions.

Leadership Matters and the questions for voters in the August 27th runoff are two-fold: are we going to tackle the biggest challenges facing Mississippi, and are we going to have a conservative Republican nominee for Governor with the best chance to win in November?

Your contribution today will help us in so many ways and I would greatly appreciate your help. Let’s win this! Thank you.

Copyright © 2019 Bill Waller for Governor, All rights reserved.
Bill Waller for Governor campaign

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Bill Waller for Governor
PO Box 1
Jackson, MS 39205-0001

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