From Edil Mari De Los Reyes, PowerPAC <[email protected]>
Subject Parenting in the Circus of Contradictions: A Comedy of Teachable Moments
Date February 16, 2024 12:32 AM
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Greetings from the frontline of parenting, where every day feels like navigating a maze with no exit and a sprinkle of banana peels for good measure. As a progressive mom trying to mold tiny humans into responsible citizens, I find myself caught in the epic struggle of teaching my kids to be antiracist, kind in the face of bullies from all political corners, and tolerant in a world where so-called-adults sometimes behave like unruly toddlers.
First, attempting to teach my kids about antiracism in a society that sometimes feels like it got stuck in a time capsule from a less enlightened era is like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle. We navigate this journey with grace, humor, and the occasional well-timed eye roll at the absurdity of it all.
Then there's the challenge of imparting kindness when bullies seem to sprout from both the Right and Left like misguided dandelions . It's a delicate dance of teaching resilience while restraining the urge to unleash a tirade of mom-fury on said bullies. Because, let's face it, we're walking on a tightrope between "turn the other cheek" and "mama bear mode."
And let's not forget the acrobatics required to teach tolerance when intolerance is paraded around by those who should know better. It's like being a tightrope walker with a blindfold, juggling flaming bowling pins in a windstorm.
In this circus of contradictions, I find solace in the fact that every challenge is a teachable moment—a chance to foster resilience, empathy, and a sharp sense of humor.
After all, what better way to face a chaotic world than armed with laughter and the ability to see the absurdity in it all?
So, here's to parenting as a progressive mom in the circus, where the only certainty is uncertainty, and the popcorn is always within arm's reach.
A progressive mom’s musings,
Edil Mari De Los Reyes
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