Dear John,

I will NEVER apologize for putting America First, for listening to my constituents, for carrying their banner into DC. 

THAT is why I'm thrilled that Liberty First has endorsed me- and they make a great argument for why you should help me reach my goal today!
Key word: Unapologetic.

You see, the Swamp looks down on us here in North Carolina. They think we are a bunch of rubes, and they can corrupt the wrong person if they get to DC, and turn them into a Liz Cheney. 

As long as they are making money on forever wars and debt spending, they don't care. But it matters to us!

We have just $6,570 left of our goal that must be raised by February 15th. This is crucial- and your help is equally crucial! Will you chip in asap? Your support will make all the difference!

DC won't ever listen unless we send them a message. We need to send them a LOUD message!
On to victory,
Sandy Smith
Republican for Congress
North Carolina's New First District
Conservative America First Patriot
Entrepreneur & Military mom
P.S. Voting is happening right now. I must raise enough funds to make sure America First dominates this district. Please give right now. Thank you, patriot.

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