Lauren Underwood For Congress


As we continue to navigate the ups and downs of politics, we are forever grateful to have supporters like you in our corner.

We make it a point to keep you updated on our race, so let's talk about the latest from our opponents.

We’ve learned some disturbing details on our opponents’ platforms. They’re eye opening, to say the least.

James Marter has outrightly expressed his disregard for bipartisanship and a desire to see Donald Trump's border wall completed.

Meanwhile, Charlie Kim's campaign hinges on stripping healthcare from millions of Americans, using his personal wealth to propel him forward.

When asked if Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, both Marter and Kim responded with a resounding “no.”

John, these are dangerous and misleading stances that threaten the core of our democracy.

We can’t let these election deniers — who are eager to continue Trump’s disastrous legacy — derail us from delivering real change for working families in IL-14. 

The GOP has been trying to defeat our campaign and unseat Lauren for years, spending millions toward their goal. That’s because they know how effective Lauren is at delivering progress for everyday Americans — and they know the power of this grassroots team.

We have what it takes to win this race. We’ve got a history of strong support for Lauren and a record of making a positive impact in Congress. Let’s keep it up!

So we’re asking, will you chip in a few dollars to help us defeat our two right-wing opponents? We just need to add $1,893 by Thursday to reach our mid-quarter goal.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for being a true champion of our campaign. We couldn't do this without you.

— Team Underwood