John, have you seen our recent poll numbers?

We have a slim one-point lead against our ultra-MAGA opponent Scott Baugh in this key race for the House majority:

It gets better: This poll also shows that when voters learn about my vision for Orange County, our lead soars to 14 points!

This is exactly the strong momentum we need with less than one month until our must-win primary election. Ballots are already out across the district, so we’re focused on reaching every undecided voter we can.

That’s where you come in. Can I count on you to chip in $3 or any amount toward our voter outreach fund?

My team and I are spending every minute we can out and about in CA-47. From knocking on doors, to funding our TV ads and yard signs, we are locked in on reaching the thousands of undecided voters in this race.

And as the polling proves, voters overwhelmingly support my campaign when they learn about my plans for when I’m in Congress – on reproductive rights, protecting the environment and our coastlines, standing up to attacks on Medicare and Social Security, the list goes on.

We have what it takes to finish strong in the primary. California has a top-two primary system, so whoever finishes first and second on March 5th moves on to November.

Your support right now could tip the scales. Will you chip in $3 to build upon our momentum when it matters most?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$10 $35
$50 $100
$250 OTHER

In unity,
