Lauren Underwood For Congress

John —

You may have seen the distressing news that the Illinois GOP has invited Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana to keynote their fundraising gala tonight.

By giving Kennedy a platform, our state’s GOP is aligning itself with the extremism of MAGA Republicans and showing just how desperately out of touch they are with the needs and issues of Illinoisans.

It's time to stand up and show the IL GOP that we won't tolerate their harmful agendas and extremist beliefs — we won’t stay silent.

We urge you to join us in condemning the involvement of Senator Kennedy, who has a blatant history of racism, misogyny, and extremism.

While we work to denounce Senator John Kennedy’s involvement, we're launching a 24-hour flash goal to add 150 contributions to show the Illinois GOP that our entire team opposes their decision.


Let me tell you a little about Senator Kennedy's record:

  • Louisiana had the second highest rate of firearm deaths in the country and ranked 49th in the country for child well-being and business.
  • Senator Kennedy endorsed some of the most restrictive abortion policies in the nation, and he voted against the Respect for Marriage Act. 
  • He has repeatedly spewed racist and misogynistic rhetoric and spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. 
  • Kennedy supported efforts to challenge the election results and even sent a fundraising email pushing Donald Trump’s "Big Lie" conspiracy.

Giving Senator Kennedy a platform flies in the face of the values Illinois Democrats hold. The IL GOP wants to see Illinois remade in the image of John Kennedy’s extremism.

This is unacceptable, and we cannot allow the IL GOP to continue to support these bigoted, ultra-conservative agendas. But they're trying to sweep this under the rug. We will not be silent as they attempt to rewrite history.

We believe in democracy and justice — we believe in upholding the results of fair elections. The MAGA extremist agenda echoes the former president’s dangerous and harmful platform, which continues to perpetuate lies about the integrity of our elections.

We cannot let the GOP get away with platforming MAGA extremism and denying the very values we hold dear as Democrats. It's time to call them out on their hypocrisy and show the nation what Illinois Democrats stand for.

John, join our response to Illinois’ GOP’s decision to invite Senator Kennedy to their gala tonight and fundraise to promote MAGA extremism in our state. Chip in here toward our 24-hour flash goal. We are aiming for at least 150 contributions:

CHIP IN $1.50
CHIP IN $150

Thanks for your help!

Pavitra Abraham
Senior Advisor
Lauren Underwood for Congress