Americans are hurting, friend. In these uncertain times, it’s important that our government support the people who need it most, and I commend the efforts by Democrats in Congress working to send direct financial assistance to people and small businesses in need as soon as possible.
As Congress continues to negotiate relief packages to address the impact of the coronavirus on American workers and our economy, we must not forget the potential impact on our planet. Any stimulus packages passed by Congress will affect our country for years to come, so we have an opportunity to prioritize economic recovery that is sustainable. While the government works to backstop the economy, we cannot allow the COVID-19 pandemic to accelerate the climate crisis or worsen environmental injustices in our communities. This pandemic poses an immense challenge for individuals, families, and businesses — but we have an opportunity right now to lay the foundation for a better future.
That is why I support Senators Whitehouse, Heinrich, Smith, Blumenthal, Markey, Booker, Stabenow, and Merkley who are working to ensure that financial assistance for airlines and cruise ships will transition us to a clean energy economy. Join me by signing this petition to demand a stimulus package with people and climate at the center. Here's what we need:
  • A stronger public health response that alleviates economic strain on individuals.
  • Economic recovery for any industry, but especially the energy and transportation industries, must invest in long-term growth and sustainability. Financial assistance should be used to help these industries transition to a clean energy future, not double down on the fossil fuel economy of the past.
  • The stimulus must require that industries continue to reduce air, water, and carbon pollution as a matter of public health — we cannot let one crisis intensify another.
We need to ensure any new stimulus package protects working families and the health of our climate instead of big corporate profits. We also can’t afford to be shortsighted in our recovery efforts. We need to be fair to the American people, protect small businesses, and include smart climate proposals that rebuild our economy and our planet. I hope you’ll join me in calling on Congress to do just that.
Sign my petition for a clean recovery package
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