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February 2, 2024

Contact: [email protected]


TakeCharge Responds to Suspected Arson at Golden Valley Office Building

Golden Valley, MN - In response to the recent incident at the Golden Valley office involving the suspected arson targeting of the building that houses TakeCharge, the Center of the American Experiment (CAE), and the Upper Midwest Law Center (UMLC), Kendall Qualls, President of TakeCharge, issues the following statement:

“TakeCharge is grateful no one was harmed in this incident, and our thoughts go out to the other businesses affected by this horrific act.

It is extremely concerning that we may have been the target of an arson attack, constituting an act of domestic terrorism. Early Sunday morning, someone broke into the building that houses our office and two other conservative organizations. The perpetrators set two fires, one on the first floor in the hallway between our offices and the Center of the American Experiment. They set the second fire on the third floor outside of or in the offices of the Upper Midwest Law Center. 

We were targeted because we are a conservative black organization disputing the narrative of systemic racism. If we were a left leaning organization trumpeting the systemic racism mantra, throngs of media outlets would be at our door affirming that we are victims of racism.

They can firebomb our offices, but we will never stop promoting the bold truth: The problem of racial disparities is not because of systemic racism. It’s because we have let the crisis of fatherless homes explode to 80+ percent in nearly every major city, including Minneapolis. We are the ONLY national organization promoting the return of the two-parent family and school choice in the black community. This heinous act emboldens us to be stronger and louder. 

We will continue to debunk the myths of systemic racism and white privilege to curtail the crisis that Progressive Leftists introduced through social welfare policies 50+ years ago. Our grassroots army of volunteers will help amplify our message."

The safety of our team remains our top priority, and we appreciate the swift response and ongoing efforts of the investigating agencies. We are working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the FBI, and local agencies to identify those responsible for this act of violence.

Despite the significant damage to the building and our offices, TakeCharge wants to assure our supporters that this incident will not impede our operations. We have swiftly implemented remote work arrangements, and our mission, to counter the narrative of systemic racism and educate communities on the dangers of DEI, remains unwavering.  In 2024, we plan to expand TakeCharge with chapters outside the state of Minnesota including educational options for parents with children trapped in failing public schools.

Thank you for your ongoing support.  We need it now more than ever. We promote and believe in the same principles for which Washington fought and Lincoln died.  

God bless our Nation.

Kendall Qualls

Read the full story here.

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