Raise the Wage Renton Update


We have an exciting weekend of electoral events lined up! 

First, come out Friday night (2/2) at 5:30pm for a workshop on how to build class struggle electoral campaigns. Hayley, our PNW/Mountain West DSA field organizer, and Milo, our National DSA electoral organizer, are on a PNW road trip to share their knowledge! Hear from these experienced comrades on how we can run intersectional campaigns that create new leaders, builds working class power, wins historic ballot initiatives, and elects socialists to office. RSVP HERE! 

The February 13th special election for Raise the Wage Renton is just TWO weeks away! Big Business and corporate lobbyists have poured $80,000 into this race in just FOUR weeks to prevent working families from earning their right to a living wage.

This weekend will be critical to fighting back against the opposition PAC, especially with such little time left. Join us, along with Hayley and Milo, for our afternoon canvass THIS Saturday (2/3) from 1 PM to 3 PM! RSVP HERE!

And this Saturday doesn’t work, you can find daily canvasses and phonebanks every Monday and Thursday on our calendar by clicking here!

Afterwards, join us for an MEC social in Renton! We’ll be meeting at Brewmaster’s Taproom to celebrate how far we’ve come on the RTW campaign and blow off some steam!  We’ll hangout, connect over food and drinks, and have fun together — that’s what this social is for! RSVP HERE!

After spending a year building this campaign, tabling, door knocking, collecting signatures, it’s all culminating in this FINAL two weeks. Come get-out-the-vote with us and help socialists deliver for working families in Renton!

In Solidarity,

Seattle DSA Electoral Working Group