Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


The 2024 legislative session begins in exactly two weeks from today. In advance of the beginning of session. Rep. Hudson, Rep. Novotny, and I are participating in a town hall on Saturday February 10 at Saint Michael Cinema right off I-94. I hope you can join us as we very much value your voice and perspective!

Fun time last week visiting with a great group from Buffalo Covenant during their trip to the MN Capitol!


Last week, we saw a perfect display of the contrast between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of valuing life. Monday last week, I was proud to participate in the annual March for Life on the MN Capitol steps as I have every year for a decade. Thousands of Minnesotans from across the state showed up to protest the radical, pro-abortion priority of the Democrat majority. Last year, Democrats codified the right to murder a baby via abortion until the millisecond of birth, reduced safeguards for women seeking abortions by further deregulating clinics, and allowed for minors to receive abortions without parental consent or even notification.


Unfortunately, this is not the end of the pro-abortion legislation we will see discussed at the Capitol. In the upcoming legislative session, the Democrat majority will likely cave to the demands of their most far-left members and take up legislation seeking to harm faith-based crisis pregnancy centers that work to provide alternatives to women seeking help. Democrats will likely decide taxpayer funded abortions are not enough and will actively encourage abortion by punishing any organization that wishes to help save lives by providing resources for alternatives.

Thursday last week, the ironically named House Health Committee held an informational hearing for a bill to legalize physician assisted suicide in preparation for advancing the legislation when the 2024 legislative session begins. Democrats on the committee ensured several individuals were queued up to testify of either a terminal disease they themselves are facing or family members reaching the end of their lives while under extreme emotional distress. The testimony was to support the bill legalizing the euthanasia of humans as a legitimate healthcare treatment.

While it’s easy to sympathize with those seeking to minimize pain and suffering, there is undoubtably enormous moral and ethical issues to normalizing suicide. Introducing suicide as an option in our healthcare system represents a total abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians to only help and heal patients. There are countless examples of miracles performed by God and modern medicine in which we see patients healed from even the very worst conditions. It is vital for healthcare providers to maintain an attitude of hope.


Moreover, physician assisted suicide leaves room for abuse no matter how many safeguards are put in place and presents some extremely perverse economic incentives. The societal promotion of suicide as an option conditions patients to accept ending their own life as the right thing to do for the comfort of family to have a planned death and avoid the additional healthcare costs needed to live. No amount of psychological tests or safeguards to ensure a request for assisted suicide is made voluntarily can prevent the further devaluing of life we will see in Minnesota if this bill is passed into law.


We must continue to respect the value and sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. I will continue to oppose physician assisted suicide.


In Other News

The United Stated is under siege and invasion by millions of illegal foreign nationals. Yet, President Biden does nothing to protect the safety of Americans. 25 Republican Governors have signed a statement in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to secure the Southern border amid a standoff with President Biden who is sending federal agents to destroy the barriers placed by Texas and continue the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. President Biden threatens military action AGAINST American Citizens to allow non-citizens to pour into the country threatening our safety and security.

As a general contractor myself and one who has come up through the trades, it was a great time last week at the Minneapolis Building Trades Brunch!

As the ranking Republican on the Senate Housing Committee, I deeply appreciate Sen. Pha's invite to participate in a housing forum last week in Brooklyn Park to listen to feedback from people in her community.

At the STMA Legislative Forum last week, there was a great discussion of my bill to help critically underfunded school districts such as STMA. The Democrat Education Finance Chair (who refused to give my bill a hearing) was present at the forum to hear the first-hand testimonies from students, parents, and teachers of hardship and lost opportunities our area continues to face. I sincerely hope the stories moved the Chair to not continue opposing additional funding for our schools.

Tough Regulations ==> Millions in Tax Breaks

Radicals in Saint Paul and other metro-area communities are like children. They increase regulation, stop development, and drive up housing costs. They then engage in crony Capitalism to mitigate damage they caused. What a clown show.


Staying In Touch


Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
