How can you make a difference in the
Election Security of Hawaii’s Elections

in just a few minutes?

Two Opportunities - Call to Action

How you can help Hawaii’s Election Security using your voice.

Number ONE

The establishment is PANICKING and we need your help to fight back! Please take 5-10 minutes to submit an ethics violation complaint against the Hawaii Deputy Attorney General, Reese Nakamura. It is a gross ethical violation and conflict of interest for him to provide legal counsel to the Hawaii Elections Commission that is empowered to investigate violations, and simultaneously defend the Office of Elections against violations. You can submit an ethics complaint anonymously and Surfing4Truth has made it easy for you with the step-by-step information on our website:

Issue: Ralph Cushnie was appointed by the House Minority Leader, Lauren Matsumoto, to the Hawaii Elections Commission for his work investigating various violations of Hawaii election law. Why would the Hawaii Deputy Attorney General and the Chair of the Hawaii Election Commission, Mike Curtis, repeatedly bully Ralph and attempt to silence him if they have nothing to hide and our elections are totally legitimate…?

You can watch the whole Election Commission Meeting video recording HERE

(this video link is also on the at the bottom of the page)

The link to show you an example of how to fill out the ethics violation complaint form: HERE
The link for submitting an Ethics Complaint:  Here


Short vid

Number TWO
It’s time for a Call to Action! please kōkua

Contact Chair Tarnas (ASAP) of the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs and respectfully request hearings for the following Election Integrity bills: HB1750 1751, 1752, 1753, and 1754. If these bills don’t get hearings, they die in the legislature. These bills are the most progress towards Election Integrity Hawaii has seen since the implementation of universal mail in elections in 2020. If they don’t get a hearing, we are back to square one.

Detailed instructions here:

The Hawaii Republican Party