Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Hi folks, I have a personal request this afternoon: Can you chip in $5 or more to my campaign today? I’ll explain why I’m asking in a moment.


Listen, my top priorities in Congress are simple: working across the aisle to pass commonsense legislation to help move communities across our country forward.

In Congress, I’m fighting every day to protect and expand our healthcare, improve access and funding for public education, increase economic opportunity, and more — all while putting the families in IL-13 first.

I want to make sure that our seniors do not live in poverty or with a lack of economic security, and I want to protect Social Security for the next generation.

Folks in Central and Southern Illinois and across the country have made it clear that they are ready for changes like these.

They want a representative who will work for them and prioritize getting things done.

They’re sick and tired of the partisan bickering in Washington that only serves to further divide us.

Working together, we can protect our healthcare, expand our economic opportunity, and ensure a better future for all.

I’m more fired up than ever to continue getting things done in Washington — but I need your help to make that a reality.

I’m humbly asking for your support today. Can I count on you to help keep my campaign running by chipping in before Wednesday’s end-of-month deadline?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for always standing with me.

— Nikki