Shhh don’t tell my mom!

Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Hi Friend, it’s me again, Nikki’s dog, Lulu!

Me and my mom!

My mom has been so busy advocating for families across Central and Southern Illinois that she didn’t even notice me getting on her computer to type this. 🐾

I wanted to reach out because the other day, I overheard her mention something about our fundraising pawgress, and she said our reelection campaign will be in a ruff spot if we don’t reach our fundraising goal by next Wednesday’s end-of-month fundraising deadline. Woof!

To be honest, I don’t really know what that means, but I know it doesn’t sound good — especially with so much at stake for the families (and pets!) across our district.

My mom continues to cut through all the barking in Washington — working across the aisle to get common-sense legislation like the Fair Warning Act to protect workers and their families from unexpected layoffs and The Puppy Protection Act of 2023 to bolster protection for puppies like me by improving federal standards for licensed commercial dog breeders.

I’ve heard two Republican opponents have already entered the race to put a stop to her pawgress. I wish I could help my mom out more, but I’m much better at playing fetch and taking walks in the park, so I think my mom needs some human support to help her in this fight.

That’s why I’m reaching out today to ask: Friend, will you chip in $10 or whatever works for your budget to help my mom’s reelection campaign continue making pawgress toward their end-of-month goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for supporting my mom — none of this would be pawsible without your support!

— Lulu Budzinski 🐶