Democrats are looking for the first sign of weakness.

Fellow Conservative,

Marc was just hit by the Democratic Congressional Committee’s (DCCC) first digital ad attacking attacking him with more lies.

This is just the start. The DCCC has over $48 MILLION in the bank. If they see Marc can’t mount an effective defense in the first 24 hours against this ad, they’ll pour millions into their deception campaign.

That’s why we’ve set a 24-hour fundraising goal of $5,100 to launch our Emergency Rapid Response Defense Fund to counter these Leftist lies and set the record straight.

Can I tell Marc he can count on your support in the next 24 hours?

PITCH IN $25 >>
PITCH IN $50 >>
PITCH IN $100 >>

Every day, Democrats prove that Marc is their #1 target heading into November. They’re looking for the first sign of weakness to pour everything they have into flipping this TOSS-UP seat blue.

Do not give the Democrats what they’re looking for. Help us show the Democrats that we’re not backing down and we’re ready to hit back by rushing over your contribution before our 24-hour deadline expires.

Thank you,

Matt Organ
Campaign Manager
Marc Molinaro for Congress

Stand with Marc DONATE NOW

Paid for by Marc for US

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