We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to elect Greens. Here’s what you can do to help.



As you know, I’m running for Congress in Washington’s 2nd district against a corrupt corporate Democrat and ex-lobbyist funded by fossil fuels and the war machine.


I’m writing today to share a new major development – in addition to my campaign to become the first Green Party member of Congress, I am honored to write to you today as the Campaign Manager for Jill Stein 2024.


I bring almost 35 years of activism and organizing to the table with my work in labor, education, healthcare, climate action, the antiwar movement, and social justice. I'm committed to ensuring Dr. Stein’s campaign is fully prepared to meet this critical moment in challenging the existing power structures in America.


I’d like to share with you why this mission is so important to the future and what you can do RIGHT NOW to propel us forward.


We are at a confluence of crises unlike anything ever experienced in human history.


There’s a genocide happening before our very eyes with full ideological support from the White House and the vast majority of Congress – leading to proxy conflicts that threaten to ignite the entire region into full scale war.


At the same time, the disastrous Russia-Ukraine war continues unabated and there are no apparent serious efforts underway to bring about a negotiated peace.


The climate emergency continues to accelerate. It is unconscionable that our leaders continue to extract fossil fuels – more than ever before – instead of cutting the cord and moving to fully renewable and sustainable energies.


Tens of millions of working class Americans remain trapped under the weight of student and medical debt. Tens of millions have no pathway to healthcare.


The list of ills suffered by the silent majority in America goes on and on. Congress can't get it together to fund the normal, essential functions of our federal government – yet they continue to find ways to fund endless war. And when Congress won't open the purse, the White House goes around them.


All of these chickens are coming home to roost. The Green Party needs to be there as the real alternative with a vision and a pathway to healing and justice – and a president who can get us there.


That president is Dr. Jill Stein.


As more and more people abandon politics as usual, it is vital that the Green Party inspires them to come towards us lest they drift along with the corporate duopoly towards the fascist right.


I believe it is time for the left to coalesce around Jill Stein. She’s in a strong position to earn the Green Party nomination, and the Green Party is the only nationwide party that has the membership, the organization, and the populist platform that can truly challenge the two parties of War and Wall Street.


We are the only pro-worker, anti-war, climate-emergency campaign on track to have ballot access for the November 2024 election in every state. Independent anti-war candidates won't. Now we, collectively, have to make the decision to step up and give what we can to make this happen.


If you haven't registered in your state as a Green Party member, now is the time. If you haven't signed up to volunteer, now is the time. If you haven't made a contribution to the campaign, now is the time.


And on that note, let me explain how important it is that we position ourselves to take full advantage of the Federal Matching Funds program.


A presidential candidate is eligible for federal matching funds once the campaign has raised at least $5,000 from 20 states. But there’s a catch: Only the first $250 donated by any individual will count towards that $5K threshold.


We need to find 20 people who can give $250 today. In fact, if we found 20 people in each of the 50 states, the campaign would get an instant cash infusion of $250,000 PLUS another $250,000 in federal matching funds. This would go a long way towards completing our ballot access drive.

Once the campaign qualifies for matching funds, all donations up to $250 will be matched – including donations we’ve already received.


The good news is that we’re already close! Two states have already qualified, nine states need less than $1,500, and another eight need between $1,500 and $3,000 to qualify.


That’s 19 states out of 20 needed. One more and we can nearly double campaign funding instantly.


So I’m asking you to dig deep today. We need a wave of $250 contributions from everyone who can spare it. And if that’s outside your capacity right now, ANY contribution at all gets us one step closer – even $5.


We can’t be intimidated by the challenges we’re faced with right now. Every single problem I listed at the top of this email is within our capacity to fix. If I didn’t believe that, I couldn’t be an activist.


This moment demands clear-eyed resolution and a relentless optimism that deep change is not only possible, but inevitable.


I felt that one week ago today, as Jill and I marched with 400,000 of our fellow Americans – demanding justice for Palestine.


I feel that every time I join workers on the picket line – demanding justice on the job.


And every time I talk to voters, hear their concerns and talk about the path to shared prosperity, that optimism is renewed.


This moment demands that we give everything we’ve got. I will continue my campaign to represent Washington’s 2nd district, and I will also work tirelessly to elect Jill Stein in November.


For the survival of humanity and the planet, I ask you to join me with a contribution of $250 (or whatever you can give) to help me level up this campaign.


In solidarity,


Jason Call

Campaign Manager - Jill Stein 2024

Candidate for Congress - WA2


P.S. If you have any extra capacity to give today, you can double your impact by also making a contribution to my congressional campaign. Thanks for all that you do!


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at callforcongress.com, and donate today to help us make history.


You can follow Jason's campaign by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by Elect Jason Call for Congress

 ©2024 Elect Jason Call for Congress, all rights reserved


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Marysville, WA 98270

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